Sunday 12 November 2017

Ai Weiwei Sculptures in Central Park & Washington Square

Ai Weiwei 's sculptures "Good Fences make Good Neighbours" opened in New York Oct. 12, 2017
The project is a comment on the increasing hostility towards immigrants and the rise of nationalism throughout the world! The particular installation under the Washington Square Arch,  elicited protests from some local residents who complained that it would displace their Christmas tree, however the local community board sided with Ai Weiwei and allowed the project to move forward!!!

Tuesday 7 November 2017

My Favourite Cheese Scone Recipe

Of all the recipes I have made, this one is the most frequently requested!!!  They do not require rolling out and cutting before being baked. After the butter has been cut in, you only need a few quick strokes and they are ready to be dropped onto a cookie sheet.  Mix together 2 cups flour, 1 tsp. salt, 2 tsps. baking powder. Grate 3/4 stick butter ( I find by putting the butter in the freezer for about an hour speeds up the grating) Add butter to the flour. Add 1/2 cup grated cheese ( I used half cheddar and half grated parmesan) Add 1 1/2 cups buttermilk all at once and stir just enough to mix.  Drop by tablespoons onto an ungreased cookie sheet.  Bake for 12 to 15 minutes at 450 degrees.  These scones are great plain for breakfast with home made strawberry jam or for an afternoon treat with blueberries and lemon zest.  I made the ones pictured a little smaller as they were for my book club and we had them with wine!!!!!  Enjoy

Mustard Crusted Salmon paired with Cave Springs Chardonnay

As part of the cool climate chardonnay collection of recipes I decided to try Chefs Steve & Jaqueline Del Col"s mustard crusted sal...