Tuesday 9 May 2017

The Many Benefits of Lemon Water

Drinking lemon water daily ensures your body is getting a sizeable amount of vitamin C, fighting damage caused by free radicals. It also aids in digestion and detoxification, rejuvenating skin and body healing. Especially of benefit is having a cup of warm water with lemon first thing in the morning!!! Also, lemons contain a fibre commonly found in fruits called pectin. Pectin helps you feel full longer, which means you will probably eat less during the day. Additionally, just the scent of a lemon has been found to reduce stress levels and improve moods. Will drinking lemon water help you to live longer? My maternal Grandfather dank a warm glass of lemon water every morning and he lived to 94, my Mother never drank lemon water and lived to 97!!!! I definitely drink lemon water every day because I enjoy it and hopefully reap the many benefits as well!!!!

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